Executive and Stewards

Meet your 2022-2024 Executive Committee

Please don’t hesitate to contact your Steward if you have any concerns, we are here to help. Also, some situations may warrant a timely response from the union which can be better provided when there is as much notice as possible.

If you’re uncomfortable leaving the details of your concern, just leave your name and number and we’ll get back to you. You should get a response within 24 hours if you leave a phone message or e-mail with how and when you would prefer to communicate.

Your Executive Team:

President – City Connie McDonald 519-994-0654 president973cupe@outlook.com
Vice-President – City Jack Pogan 519-822-1260 vpcity973cupe@outlook.com
Vice-President – County Margaret Wrobel 226-979-7973 vpcounty973cupe@outlook.com
Recording Secretary Anisha Dhillon 519-837-2670 secretary973cupe@outlook.com
Secretary-Treasurer Joan Ferguson 519-822-1260 jferguson@cupe973.onmicrosoft.com
Chief Steward – City Sarah Boghossian 519-822-1260 chiefstewardcity973cupe@outlook.com
Chief Steward – County Melissa Boehler-Hammond chiefstewardcounty973cupe@outlook.com


  • John Bailey – City  (1 Year)
  • Nancy Page   (2 Year)
  • Liz McGee (3 Year)

City Health & Safety Contact:

Covering City WSIB, Return to Work, Short Term and Long Term Disability, Accommodations, etc.

County Health & Safety Contact:

Covering County WSIB, Return to Work, Short Term and Long Term Disability, Accommodations, etc.

City Stewards:

  • Sarah Cunneyworth(Chief Steward)

County Stewards:

  • Margaret Wrobel (Chief Steward)
  • Danielle Stinson
  • Mellissa Boehler-Hammond

City Wellness Coordinator:

City contact for member retirements, bereavements, sick leaves and congratulations.

County Wellness Coordinator:

County contact for member retirements, bereavements, sick leaves and congratulations.